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Garmin MK3i BNIB
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For sale Garmin MK3i French Gray brand new (computer was replaced by Garmin last month because the last one was faulty) never used after receiving new unit, but the strap is not replaced so it has been used since May 2024. Warranty still lasts 1,5 years (until May 2026) to Urban Adventure dive shop and TAM. All the invoice include and charger, box, receipt, new longer strap, etc. Market price still on 24 million. Location in Nusa Penida/Bali. Can meet to see the watch.


Dijual Garmin MK3i French Gray brand new (komputer yang lama faulty pabrik, jadi diganti yang baru oleh Garmin) tapi strap nya tidak diganti baru jadi sudah digunakan semenjak pembelian (May 2024). Garansi masih sampai Mei 2026 (1,5th) di Urban Adventure dive shop dan TAM. Lengkap dengan struk, invoice, box, charger dan strap tambahan yg lebih panjang. Harga pasaran masih 24 juta. Lokasi Nusa Penida/Bali bisa ketemu langsung untuk lihat jam nya.

Can contact me on whatsapp +6282119441084

Rp 16.500.000

Garmin MK3i BNIB

Nusapenida, Klungkung Kab., Bali
22 Des

Lokasi iklan

Nusapenida, Klungkung Kab., Bali
ID IKLAN 929473466